What are Essential Oils

3 min readApr 16, 2022

Essential Oils are produced from plants and are widely used as aromas, but let’s see in a little more detail.

Main uses of Essential Oils

Essential oils are used in diffusers to aromatize interior spaces, but they are also used for aromatherapy and even as treatments when applied to the body or ingested in some cases.

Essential oils can provide health, physical and emotional well-being benefits through aromatherapy. Some of the effects attributed to them include calming, stimulating or even healing.

So we can summarize in terms of the application of the oils

  • Scenting of spaces
  • Massage
  • Inhalation
  • Cleaning
  • Bath
  • Skin
  • Ingestion

However, it is necessary to know the properties of each type of essential oil. Please note that some oils may cause irritation to some people when used on the skin. In this case, it is recommended to apply the oil diluted and not in its pure state.

Never ingest oils as this process requires very specialized advice.

Benefits of some essential oils

Let’s see some examples of the benefits that you can enjoy when using some oils.

O Eucalyptus essential oil it is often used for stuffy nose, sneezing and even headaches. For this purpose, just use an aroma diffuser and in addition to aromatizing your space, you will enjoy a significant reduction in symptoms related to colds and allergic rhinitis attacks.

O lemon essential oil It is considered a disinfectant and purifier, with antibacterial and depurative properties being attributed to it, contributing to the cleaning of the respiratory system.

For aromatherapy purposes and if you need an aroma diffuser, you can consult our humidifiers.

Essential Oils can be used as Perfumes

Did you know that you can use essential oils as a perfume? Just apply one or two drops to create a fragrant and long-lasting effect. It is said for example that Princess Diana used sandalwood, patchouli and even ylang ylang essential oil as a perfume.

O ylang ylang oil is one of the best known not only for allegedly being part of the constitution of Chanel 5 perfume (among others), but also for being indicated in improving mood, reducing anxiety and improving emotional state in general.

Essential oils are also found in some natural cosmetics, which have benefits for skin health in addition to the associated aroma.

Sample of some of the oils available

We hope we have helped a little to clarify what Essential Oils are. In the Home section of our online store you can find different types and brands of Oils in addition to the aforementioned aroma diffusers.

Originally published at https://nacloset.com on April 16, 2022.

